2024 All Sports Financial Review:

GambLou.com 2024 financial results are as follows:

2024 GambLou.com Results Summary*

NFL                                          61-50    $16,765.00*  15%    ROI 

College World Series                14-13     +3.10u              12.5%   ROI

NHL                                            40-54    -1.50u               -2%       ROI

UFC final 2024                        93-127     -7.0u                -2.1%    ROI

*(NFL Unit size is 10 times larger than the unit size used for every other sports)

GambLou.com directed 16% of all GROSS income in 2024 to the San Xavier del Bac Mission in Tucson, AZ. Please read all about my connection to San Xavier by tapping on the San Xavier del Bac Mission tab at the top right of this webpage. 

GambLou.com is also financing an under privileged young man’s Catholic education in the Dominican Republic through NPH USA and will continue to do so as long as I am breathing.


UFC favorites in 2024 realized a 70.5% win rate, as a note Favorites in the UFC have averaged 63%/64% each year for the past fifteen plus years…no excuse just the facts.


It’s Business

GambLou.com 2024 NFL Consulting & 2024 Fiscal Business report 1st half 2024.

NFL Consulting; GambLou Fiscal Business report 1st half 2024

July is upon us and I am currently undertaking the detailed and comprehensive process of ingesting Warren Sharp’s NFL manifesto which is a refined and detailed NFL team by team breakdown as only Warren can provide.

By the end of July, I will be prepared to offer season win Investments, Future wagers as well begin preparation for the welcome grind that is the NFL regular season and its playoffs.

Interested parties need simply tap the ‘NFL Consulting’ tab at the top of this webpage to access detailed information on the specifics of my service. Any interested parties may also hit me up for 2022 and 2023 NFL results for their review and consideration.

As a note my retention rate for the last decade has been almost 100% with NFL clients the and I look forward to serving those investors again in 2024 as well as new individuals looking to earn on the NFL in 2024.

Here is a snapshot of all GambLou.com results through the first half of the 2024 fiscal year.

          UFC:                                       51-61  +5.47u     5% ROI

College World Series:                       14-13   +3.05u   12% ROI

Stanley Cup Tournament                 39-54  <1.55u> -2% ROI*

*This is the first time since 2013 that I have experienced a negative ROI in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. While unfortunate, I report actual results and all clients can count on the integrity of my results as well, the recording of said results. I had a banner 2023 season and my performance in 2024 is simply as the above numbers state.

2024 NHL clients have been offered an incentive to return next year for the Tournament and I will say that any new clients interested in the ’25 Stanley Cup should understand that it’s going to be another decade or more before I lose capitol on this Tournament again!

Interested in reaching out? Lou@GambLou.com

It’s Business!

The business of the Stanley Cup Playoffs

Puck Passion: It’s Business!

All but two matchups for the 2024 Stanley Cup Tournament have been set and the final two teams awaiting their playoff foes, The Los Angeles Kings and the Vegas Golden Knights will have their adversaries decided Thursday evening after each plays their final game of the season.

Those interested in deriving profit from the Passion that is Playoff Puck please hit the ‘NHL’ tab at the top of the GambLou.com webpage for specific membership information.

I’ll have Future positions for the Cup, Series investments as well as Round 1 and game by game positions posted Saturday morning for members.

Daily game positions are posted by 20 minutes prior to puck drop …I post then to ensure goaltending matchups and because the price for underdog positions is at its apex right before they drop the frozen rubber.

Don’t delay, get your membership now to ensure you have access to this most outstanding bracketed tournament.

2023 Stanley Cup Playoffs results:   55-47 +25.20u +29% ROI (+131)

Questions or issues please reach out Lou@GambLou.com

2024 NHL Stanley Cup Tournament: The Passion of Playoff Puck!


The NHL is down to a handful of regular season games. Playoff teams are becoming clear for this bracketed tournament.

Open ice becomes so rare in the playoffs. Teams that effect execute a highly defensive brand of playoff puck advance in the Stanley Cup Playoffs while teams that have become used to open ice and three-on-three overtime set-ups are soon sent packing. 

Executing a brand of hockey that emanates ‘from the goal out’ is mandatory for success in the Stanley Cup Playoff Tournament.

Last year GambLou.com realized obtuse profitability in the Stanley Cup Playoffs along with the many puckheads that followed the daily advice which was then available on Instagram. While last year is no indicator of what may happen this year, I will say that I have been investing in this Tournament for over forty years having realized success in damn near each tournament.

Interested hockey investors must understand that I am now months into preparation for this year’s 2024 Stanley Cup and carry the same passion entering this Tournament as do the players participating in it.

The only place investors may access my positions for the 2024 Stanley Cup Tournament will be right here on the GambLou.com webpage. 

Last year’s results are available below.

2023 NHL Stanley Cup Playoff results: 55-46; +25.20units; 29% ROI

For more information on how to access GambLou.com NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases, please hit the ‘NHL’ tab at the top of this webpage.

Questions, comments?


It’s a passionate Business!

NHL Stanley Cup Tournament: Passion Season approaches


The NHL is down to the last games of the regular season and playoff races are taking shape.

Lost by most is how different hockey is between its regular season and the playoffs. This is why I rarely invest in regular season games.

Open ice becomes rare in the playoffs, the players play much more defensively and the game transitions to a game of complete defensive mentality. This year will be no different.

Last year all of my releases were posted publicly on Instagram and I realized great profitability along with the puckheads that followed my advice.

This GambLou.com will be the only location to obtain my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases. Last year’s results?

2023 NHL Stanley Cup Playoff results: 55-46; +25.20units; 29% ROI

For more information on how to access my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases, please hit the ‘NHL’ tab at the top of this webpage.

Questions, comments?


It’s Business

NHL Stanley Cup Tournament: Passion Season approaches


The NHL is down to the last twenty or so games of the regular season and the playoff races are firmly taking shape.

Lost by most/many is how dynamically different hockey is between its regular season and the playoffs. This is why I rarely invest in regular season games unless there is a specific playoff atmosphere for whatever reason.

Playoff’s are when open ice becomes rare, the players play much more defensively and the game begins to transition from one of ‘space and offensive flair’ to ‘lack of skating room and defensive intensity’.

Last year all releases were posted publicly on Instagram and I realized great profitability.

This year here at GambLou.com will be the only location to obtain my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases.

2023 NHL Stanley Cup Playoff results: 55-46; +25.20units; 29% ROI

For more information on how to access my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases, please hit the ‘NHL’ tab at the top of this webpage.

Questions, comments?


It’s Business

NHL Stanley Cup Tournament: Passion Season approaches

It’s the time of year when GambLou.com begins to focus on realizing bottom line profitability on the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. 

The NHL is down to the last quarter of the regular season and the playoff races are taking shape.

Lost by most/many is how dynamically different this sport is between its regular season and its playoffs. This is why I rarely invest in regular season games unless there is a specific playoff atmosphere for whatever reason.

I released the Las Vegas Golden Knights +125 February 6th in their victory against division rival the Edmonton Oilers who were attempting to break the all-time winning streak by an NHL team in the regular season.

That win was easy but there are few opportunities that exist like it until we get to the last ten tilts of the regular season or so.

It’s then that open ice becomes rare, the players play much more defensively and the game begins to transition from one of ‘space and offensive flair’ to ‘lack of skating room and defensive intensity’.

Last year all releases were posted publicly on Instagram.

This year this webpage GambLou.com will be the only location to obtain my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases.

2023 NHL Stanley Cup Playoff results: 55-46; +25.20units; 29% ROI

For more information on how to access my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases, please hit the ‘NHL’ tab at the top of this webpage.

Questions, comments?


It’s Business

NHL Stanley Cup Tournament: Passion Season approaches

It’s the time of year when GambLou.com begins to focus on realizing bottom line profitability on the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. 

The NHL is +/- ten games beyond the half-way point of the regular season and the playoff races are beginning to take shape.

Lost by most/many is how dynamically different this sport is between its regular season and its playoffs. This is why I rarely invest in regular season games unless there is a specific playoff atmosphere for whatever reason.

I released the Las Vegas Golden Knights +125 February 6th in their victory against division rival the Edmonton Oilers who were attempting to break the all-time winning streak by an NHL team in the regular season.

That win was easy but there are few opportunities that exist like it until we get to the last ten tilts of the regular season or so.

It’s then that open ice becomes rare, the players play much more defensively and the game begins to transition from one of ‘space and offensive flair’ to ‘lack of skating room and defensive intensity’.

Last year all releases were posted publicly on Instagram.

This year this webpage GambLou.com will be the only location to obtain my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases.

2023 NHL Stanley Cup Playoff results: 55-46; +25.20units; 29% ROI

For more information on how to access my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases, please hit the ‘NHL’ tab at the top of this webpage.

Questions, comments?


It’s Business

NHL Stanley Cup Tournament: Passion Season approaches

It’s the time of year when GambLou.com begins to focus on realizing bottom line profitability on the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. 

The NHL is +/- ten games beyond the half-way point of the regular season and the playoff races are beginning to take shape.

Lost by most/many is how dynamically different this sport is between its regular season and its playoffs. This is why I rarely invest in regular season games unless there is a specific playoff atmosphere for whatever reason.

I released the Las Vegas Golden Knights +125 February 6th in their victory against division rival the Edmonton Oilers who were attempting to break the all-time winning streak by an NHL team in the regular season.

That win was easy but there are few opportunities that exist like it until we get to the last ten tilts of the regular season or so.

It’s then that open ice becomes rare, the players play much more defensively and the game begins to transition from one of ‘space and offensive flair’ to ‘lack of skating room and defensive intensity’.

Last year all releases were posted publicly on Instagram.

This year this webpage GambLou.com will be the only location to obtain my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases.

2023 NHL Stanley Cup Playoff results: 55-46; +25.20units; 29% ROI

For more information on how to access my NHL Stanley Cup Playoff releases, please hit the ‘NHL’ tab at the top of this webpage.

Questions, comments?


It’s Business