2024 All Sports Financial Review:

GambLou.com 2024 financial results are as follows:

2024 GambLou.com Results Summary*

NFL                                          61-50    $16,765.00*  15%    ROI 

College World Series                14-13     +3.10u              12.5%   ROI

NHL                                            40-54    -1.50u               -2%       ROI

UFC final 2024                        93-127     -7.0u                -2.1%    ROI

*(NFL Unit size is 10 times larger than the unit size used for every other sports)

GambLou.com directed 16% of all GROSS income in 2024 to the San Xavier del Bac Mission in Tucson, AZ. Please read all about my connection to San Xavier by tapping on the San Xavier del Bac Mission tab at the top right of this webpage. 

GambLou.com is also financing an under privileged young man’s Catholic education in the Dominican Republic through NPH USA and will continue to do so as long as I am breathing.


UFC favorites in 2024 realized a 70.5% win rate, as a note Favorites in the UFC have averaged 63%/64% each year for the past fifteen plus years…no excuse just the facts.


It’s Business

NFL Week 10 Musing and Abusing

NFL observations from a betting perspective

The Arizona Cardinals should be credited for their efforts and results so far this year. Let’s see how the second half transpires but this team is reacting well to head coach Jonathan Gannon.

Injuries seem high? Yes, because pre-season work effort is minimal. It’s simple.

Saquon Barkley’s play this past weekend was a perfect example of an athlete training for any condition then when confronted with danger, allows instinct and athletic prowess to rule. He never had a chance to think about or set up that move, it was pure instinct.

De’Von Achane is a talented player, and the Dolphins have a group of athletes on offense that can dominate provided they are not competing in inclement weather, and they have a full complement of team weaponry. That defense however is horrendous.

Quietly the Eagles are 6-2 and have not put it all together yet.

There are many teams that are still putting it together. They include the Hawks, Rams, Buc’s, Chargers, Cards, Commies and Steel.

11 of 32 teams have 2 or 3 wins after week 9…. That’s pretty telling results for a league striving to create parity at all costs.

Houston plus 3.5 against the red-hot Lions this week? Yep. This is the first home game for the Texans in a month and the Lions arrive off an emotional win against division rival Minnesota last week. Great spot for Houston.



NFL Musing and Abusing: Week 7 style

“I hid in the clouded wrath of the crowd, when they said, sit down, I stood up”!

Springsteen ‘Growing up”

Sport is cruel.

I wish to offer prayers and best wishes to young Aiden Hutchison. The violence those men deal with daily is beyond most people’s understanding. To see his leg snapped like a twig Sunday only exemplifies how lucky the few are that get to compete at such a high level.  NFL athletes undertake extreme risk on a daily basis.

Davante Adams is going to resuscitate the Jets! I’m not so sure I believe that… the Jets need horses on the O-Line in my estimation, but Adams can’t but help that run game a bit… time will tell with these Jets, Jets, Jets.

One thing’s for certain, as there IS time for them to right that downbound train.

How ‘bout them Cowboys?

Jerry Jones is doing to the Cowboy’s what the children of Papa Bear Halas have done to the Bears. No doubt intentions were and are ‘admirable’ but institutional prowess and execution are flawed. When ‘one’ does not belong in the football business, it shows!

The best news for the Pokes and the Bears? There exists….the Browns and the Bears and Boys ain’t quite there…..yet!

Don’t think I have forgotten about the Raiders!

What Al’s son has done to the culture of that team is unfortunate. Sure, the franchise, like that in Dallas and Chicago even Cleveland are appreciable wealth assets but what about pride? What about serving your people? What about showing up with some dad gummed civic pride for the fans?

Philly? They got head coaching issues and what’s about to boil over there may not be pretty. Someone in the NFC East better watch out for the Commies.

NFC South was supposed to be the cheap suits, yet it seems like they have two legit playoff contenders there.

I hope Tagovailoa can play and maintain full health again. I was lucky enough to be in a huddle from 1967 to 1993 and I understand the importance of team for men of that age. Everlasting bonds man.

Jet’s fire Salah. Unfair, hail yes but it IS the nature of this profession. Salah will be back as soon as he wants to say yes to the many offers to D Coordinate he’ll receive.

Bills, Vikes, Lions, Pack, Texans, Chiefs, Hawks and Steel….Super Bowl winner comes from that group from this week 7 perspective.

The Jags zigged when they should have Jagged. Young QB who entered the NFL with accolades is simply not performing to his reputation…that said, the front office geniuses dumped WR talent this offseason like it was cancerous?

I see some games this week that offer great opportunity based on the reactions (as in over) from last week…. Week 6 was a public slaying of the bookmakers capped off by the Bills cover MNF for the cherry on top.

While I won’t ‘cry no tears’ for the bookies, I’ll assure you that there will be some public confident bet’s coming in on the NFL this week.


NFL Musing and Abusing: Week II observations

Carolina on my mind benching Young for Dalton will display how far Carolina as an organization really is….was it the QB position or is the issue a little larger than that? We’ll know soon. I for one support Andy Dalton the Red Rifle. Dude is an NFL QB. Period.

-The Ravens O-Line is in need of real development, as is there defensive backfiield.

-Raven QB Jackson is one athletic chap but his passing aptitude/ability/effectiveness is less than average.

-Buc’s do the Lions at home, Raida’s beat the Ravens after being down big, Vikes vex the Niners and the Saints exorcise the Pokes. If you’re betting the NFL you best ‘hate’ your money if you wish to earn.

Why don’t any of the NFL rookie QB’s look like CJ Stroud did last year? Because Stroud is surely the exception not the rule.

-Speaking of Texans? That Houston Texans to have most wins in the NFL 20/1 ticket I hold is breathing.

-Prayers for the young QB Tagovailoa who has great talent but now must prioritize just exactly how he wishes to spend the rest of his life. Let’s hope whatever the decision the young man lives a healthy full life.

-As far as those bastard Cops who abused Tyreek Hill a week ago, those ignoramuses need to be disciplined and I mean publicly and seriously. Bullies!

Hey, there’s nothing more honorable than an ethical conscientious cop (and there is an abundance of them) but there’s also nothing worse that a ‘pig with an attitude’ (and there are well too many of those also).  Those fat jagg’s in Miami need to shovel poop in the everglades for a couple months.

-Injuries this week were apparent and as this season moves into the fall we’ll see many, many, more. You see, the NFL cares very little about the player and that is evidenced by the fact that they’re parting out teams on primetime TV to suit the networks and boost their ratings…that comes at the expense of the player.

Need evidence?

In the last 5 years no teams played 3 games in 10 days. This year 10 teams do*.

In the last 5 years 5 teams had to endure 4 games in seventeen days…this year the NFL has 5 teams on the schedule that must do so*.

This year there are 66 games on the NFL schedule where one team has a 3+ day rest over the other team*.

-The Carolina franchise is in deep do-do. Deep, and it appears there is little hope outside of Charlotte for this bunch.

-Bucs, Saints, Bills, Chiefs, Chargers, Steel, Texans, Vikes, Seahawks are all undefeated, who’ll be the last to lose a ballgame?

*I’ll reference Warren Sharp for this information


It’s Business

NFL Musing and Abusing

Week one overreactions are the first order of business today. Remember NFL Enthusiasts, in 5 days you ‘ll have 100% more NFL data than you do now. Yes, we know more than a week ago but the data is still to thin to make sound betting decisions upon.

Tomlin does more with less than most head coaches. Meanwhile, the Bears won a game without an offensive TD and now travel into Houston where that offense seems in mid-season form.

Hate to see these talented young men get dinged up in these games. I feel for Love and the Pack. Let’s hope he and the others injured get back ASAP.

Over reaction games (teams) this week: Ravens, Chargers, Niners, Commies, Chiefs Texans and the Eagles.

Hate the money teams: Raiders, Panthers, Titans, Vikes, G’men, Bungles and the Dirty Bird.

When I was a fan I loved the Browns. Man am I glad I am not a fan anymore as the Browns have stepped on their sleeve in every way shape and form with this QB situation. I feel for those poor fanatics.

The Rams look ahead was -3 against the Cardinals and today the Cards are -1….as Lynyrd Skynyrd sang, EWWW that smell!

Once Josh Allen assimilates with those WR’s that team could competed in the AFC East with the Fish and Jets Jets Jets.

Niners under 11.5 ….do not fear.

Bucs to win the NFC South you say? Who would be stupid enough to take them +320 to win that division? Oh, that’s me.

No way Commie QB Jaylen Daniel plays the whole year. No F’ing way to fragile and will have to do it himself too much.

Carolina QB Bryce Young displays little confidence in his play in his second offense while in his first I like what I see in Bo Nix.

Bears at Texans Sunday night. That’s going to be a ballgame.


NFL Musings and Abusings

Each week I’ll drop thoughts on the NFL season delivered from a decades long NFL fan and investor. My positions are meant to stimulate thought and communication not angst or negativity and with that said, I will be frank and blunt about my positions…see some below.

How about acute AFC EAST interest for the first time in many years west of Saratoga Springs, NY?

Chiefs are laydown favorites to win ten games, their division and beyond. What could go wrong?

I guarantee one thing right now and I do it every year with 100% accuracy, here it is:

No one knows a dad gummed thing about what’s going to transpire in the NFL in week one.

I work tirelessly to gain as much intel on players, teams, and organizations prior to week one each year to provide myself with any edge with regard to point spreads, betting and gambling and I realize that I know nothing, it’s the one absolute.

The good news is that others that conduct well less research than I do know nothing also.

Understanding how to invest off of the actions of those with said ‘lack of knowledge’ is a major contributor to my NFL success each week one.

The Niners are a dead under team this year and we bet them as such.

While the Cowboys have talent, they also have tough scheduling, players in contract disputes and a lame ducker in Mike McCarthy?

I don’t think the Bills are as strong as many believe, and I don’t know if Chicago will be able to execute into the hype of their fans this year either.

Why can’t the Seahawks as well as the Rams improve this year?

Even the lowly Cardinals may be able to overcome the ineptitude of their ownership bumbling and compete this year…by that I mean they carry extremely low expectation from the marketplace.

I’m not buying the Falcon hype outside of the fact that this group coming in will show significant improvement from a coaching standpoint than the group the left, it may take a couple of years to show which is how they drafted… if you were paying attention. They also compete in a pretty damn weak division.

The AFC North is going to be a murderers row this year. Those are four complete, competitive playoff erected football teams.

Will we find any rookie QB’s that can come out of the gate like CJ Stroud did last year? I’d caution Chicago that they may have to yield to Denver?

This edition of Musing and Abusing was unusually negative because this time of year I’m only looking to invest in teams to NOT achieve. I wait until immediately prior to the first game before I make positions on which teams I handicap to overachieve, win divisions, eclipse number of games etc.

Musings and Abusing’s next week will list teams I am considering to overachieve and perform well… I wait so that trades, injuries etc. cannot negatively affect my position.

Keep your head on a swivel!


It’s Business!

GambLou.com 2024 NFL Consulting & 2024 Fiscal Business report 1st half 2024.

NFL Consulting; GambLou Fiscal Business report 1st half 2024

July is upon us and I am currently undertaking the detailed and comprehensive process of ingesting Warren Sharp’s NFL manifesto which is a refined and detailed NFL team by team breakdown as only Warren can provide.

By the end of July, I will be prepared to offer season win Investments, Future wagers as well begin preparation for the welcome grind that is the NFL regular season and its playoffs.

Interested parties need simply tap the ‘NFL Consulting’ tab at the top of this webpage to access detailed information on the specifics of my service. Any interested parties may also hit me up for 2022 and 2023 NFL results for their review and consideration.

As a note my retention rate for the last decade has been almost 100% with NFL clients the and I look forward to serving those investors again in 2024 as well as new individuals looking to earn on the NFL in 2024.

Here is a snapshot of all GambLou.com results through the first half of the 2024 fiscal year.

          UFC:                                       51-61  +5.47u     5% ROI

College World Series:                       14-13   +3.05u   12% ROI

Stanley Cup Tournament                 39-54  <1.55u> -2% ROI*

*This is the first time since 2013 that I have experienced a negative ROI in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. While unfortunate, I report actual results and all clients can count on the integrity of my results as well, the recording of said results. I had a banner 2023 season and my performance in 2024 is simply as the above numbers state.

2024 NHL clients have been offered an incentive to return next year for the Tournament and I will say that any new clients interested in the ’25 Stanley Cup should understand that it’s going to be another decade or more before I lose capitol on this Tournament again!

Interested in reaching out? Lou@GambLou.com

It’s Business!

Super Bowl LVIII: 49’ers vs. Chiefs profitable positions & props

I have always maintained the NFC/AFC Championship weekend was the official end of my NFL season and I still adhere to that. However, the evolution of the game, most especially the props market have added dimension and opportunity to Super Bowl Betting.

While I will maintain that one’s NFL profit needs to be secured BY the Super Bowl, I also maintain that there can be advantage in the prop market as well sides.

So let me share some of my client releases and my “Square as hell” releases for this game.

Fade, Follow or Fuggazi here we go!

Serious wagers made last week (prices may not still be available)

Niners -120 Money line 1u

Kittle Over 46.5 -120 yards receiving 1u

McCaffery -240 yards rushing vs. Pacheco 1.2u outlay

Under 48.5 -120 .6u

Niners Over 23.5 points +104 .5u

McCaffrey Over .5 TD -135 1u outlay

Kelce Over .5 TD -120 1u outlay

Pacheco Over .5 TD +105 1u outlay

Purdy Under 31.5 pass attempts -130 .65u outlay

Over 3.5 total field goals +120 .6u outlay

Square Bets…I mean real square but I have made the Tails and Odd game final result or some 45 plus years! Old habits die hard lol

Coin toss: Tails +100 1u

Final score odd -105 1u

There you have it sports enthusiasts…and remember that the UFC is in full metal position to capture the attention of sports bettors once this most public game is completed.


Profitable Sports Gaming

GambLou 2023 Profitability report; NFL Championship opening lines

This week the AFC and NFC Championships will be contested. As we close down the end of the NFL year let’s take a look at opening lines for these games and review GambLou.com profitability.

At the Westgate SuperBook in Las Vegas: Baltimore opened -3.5ev with a total of 45.5 while in San Francisco, the 49ers came -7 and 52.

These prices may not move too much for numerous reasons this week however I will be tracking the line movement for any opportunities.

GambLou.com 2023 NFL Clients stand 61 and 61, +2.94units representing a 2%ROI

Future wagers released at the beginning of the season that have NOT been recorded yet:

Chiefs Under 11.5 season wins +120; 1.5unit W

Chiefs Under 10.5 season wins +220; .5unit L

Washington Over 6.5 wins +100 1unit L

Houston to win AFC South +220 .35unit W

Houston to win AFC 20/1 .15unit L

Baltimore to win AFC +375 .5unit pending

I’ll invest into the Championship round then into the Super Bowl.

Beating the NFL is no easy task but with the Ravens position pending and a strong Championship performance I look to enhance profitability for myself and all clients.


As January ends my focus becomes exclusively UFC profitability while NHL Stanley Cup Due Diligence is in full swing.

Last year NHL profitability: 55-46 +25.20units for a 29% ROI

After two UFC events in 2024 GambLou ‘Bout Business Podcast Members are 3-5 +.23units for 4%ROI with 3 favorites in upcoming cards earning members Plus money (Yes, that’s correct) and two releases holding positive value based on the pricing today. I’m playing a different game than the hordes making ‘picks’ and selling their swag.

At GambLou.com Investing on select sporting events is strictly Business!


Profitable Sports Gaming