Money Morning: Weekly profitability report

Accounting for every wager, their result and conducting detailed accounting is foundational if one is going to compete with bookmakers for profitability.

For decades I have published results each Monday in my ‘Money Morning’ column.

To date few, very few handicappers record their results let alone publish them which should make any onlooker wary as to whether said handicapper is selling ‘picks’ for their own self-interest as most do or if they are trying to emulate my model which is based solely on modern business practices.

Specifically, all I have done for the last decade plus is deliver profitability to followers. In the future, that’s what I’ll continue to do!

Let’s account:

Favorites in the UFC including last week’s 9-2 favorite result stand: 203-101-14 or 63.8%

Last week in the UFC I realized a 3-3 +1.06u result.

To date in 2023 ‘Bout Business Podcast profitability stands: 69-69 +20.64u 15% ROI (+130)


Profitable Sports Gaming

Money Morning: Accounting for profitability

Last week in the UFC Favorites ran 9-4 putting them at 194-99-14 this year or 63%.

GambLou ‘Bout Business results after a modest return last week of just under one unit stands:

66-66 +17.48u 13% ROI (+127)

This week UFC 292 comes live from Boston, MA Saturday 3:30pm PST. I’ll have complete breakdowns up Friday morning on the ‘Bout Business Podcast!

Tune up the Tune in!


Profitable Sports Gaming

Money Morning: Profitability report

UFC receipts for the weekend amount to a 3-2 result for a return of +2.59 units.

Yearly UFC profits are +16.63 units for a 13%ROI and an average win of +122.

We’re rapidly approaching the NFL season, to date I have released one season win total and there will be more coming as we approach the beginning of the regular season.

Serious NFL investors are urged to check my ‘NFL consulting’ page to determine if my NFL service may be a fit as a supplement for your own profitable approach to the NFL season.

I have some really cool news surfacing soon. Stay tuned right here for a strong independent voice to Profitable Sports Gaming!


Profitable Sports Gaming